The correct lighting has always been very important to me, and ever since the LED came out I’ve known about its benefits. Although when LEDs first came out and I tried to use them for my work, getting the correct lighting was always very difficult. The light they emitted was either too cold, or much too yellow, so I kept away from LED for quite a while, until I got to know of PHILIPS hue.

They’ve completely changed the way I work with lighting. It started with me implementing them into my own house, just to get a feel for them, and it was love at first sight! Home automation brings new ways of making your home as pleasant as it can get, and PHILIPS hue is a great solution to managing your lights at home! One of the main reasons that made me love PHILIPS hue, is the wide range of colors to chose from, their color-bulbs have 16-million colors to chose from, perfect for any party or when you just feel for something new! And their white ambiance bulbs makes it easy to get the right light for daily use, no more too bright or too yellow, just perfect! You can also automate your home lighting, turn the lights on automatically when you get home, set different “moods” and control the lighting even though you’re not home! Or why not let the lights give you a pleasant wake-up in the morning?

I’ve already installed them in several of my clients homes. And I’m sure I will install them in my upcoming projects as well.

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